Brooke Caron,
Your article is very interesting. I just discovered it via the Medium Digest.
I don’t know if you would be interested in teaching your child to Speed Read, but he would probably be very gifted at it if you should decide to give it a try.
I’ve been teaching Speed Reading to children for over 20 years, and those who do the best at Speed Reading are children. The younger, the better.
When it comes to Speed Reading, those who are Right-Brain dominant are virtually always the most gifted. I first learned this from Jeffrey Freed’s book: Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World (1997). But I learned it also by experience as a Speed Reading teacher: Dyslexics and ADHD children are among the few who can easily read 2,000 to 5,000 words per minute with very good comprehension (average readers read at about 200–300 wpm).
(Also, one group of people who are almost always Right-Brain dominant are those who have extreme sensitivites to noise, light or touch, like your son)
There is a website devoted to teaching very young children (ages 3–7) to Speed Read, complete with free lesson plans to try out:
Thanks again for your article.